Danby Cleaning Services

Insured and trustworthy

Office Maintenance Sanitization & Disinfection Services You Can Trust

We Aim for Long Lasting Relationships with Clients and Crews

Danby Cleaning Services
Danby Cleaning Services

Danby Cleaning Serivces provides proper cleaning and disinfection, which like everything else, must be done by professionals to work properly. We have created an environment of mutual trust and respect among our staff and administrators, which has helped us build a successful team that strives for success above all else. We provide quality commercial cleaning and disinfection services for offices, medical buildings, industrial facilities and warehouses, daycare centers and schools, and other commercial facilities. We provide commercial office cleaning, janitorial services, disinfecting and sanitizing for businesses in Scarborough and Toronto Downtown, GTA.

Our goal is treat all like family and support everybody with the same level of care. We have dedicated support staff on call to provide you with 24/7 support. Our scheduled, on-site quality control checks along with phone follows up make sure that you’re satisfied with the service you’re receiving.

Quality & Service

It’s the little things that matter.

Our experienced commercial cleaning team is trained to be proactive and conscientious about the little things that can make a big difference. Attention to detail is key to providing top-notch professional commercial cleaning services.

Our ethos is to provide our commercial cleaning clients with an effective and proactive management team that takes responsibility for delivering our professional commercial cleaning services with passion and integrity. Nothing is ever left to chance.

Our numerous awards are an independent testament to the quality of our commercial cleaning services in Ontario, Canada, as well as the year-over-year growth of our commercial cleaning company in recent years.

If you’d like to learn more about our commercial cleaning services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our expert team. Call us on 016478871142 , or visit our contact page here. We look forward to hearing from you!